How Netflix Uses Data Size to Predict Where Youll Want To Watch a Movie
Introduction Introduction: Netflix knows your personal preferences and where you’re likely to go to watch a movie. They use this data size information to help predict where you’ll want to watch a movie, based on what type of movie...
Should I Update My iPhone to 11.2.2?

Should I update my iPhone to 11.2.2? This is a question a lot of folks are asking themselves today. Well, this is a matter of convenience and we will let you know why right here right now. The Apple...
Wifi Hotspot Device No Contract

Wifi hotspot device no contract. Verizon has one of the strongest networks in the USA, as well as insanely good 4G LTE coverage. If you want reliable data, The Big Red Verizon is unbeatable. You can picked the Verizon...
How to Avoid Roaming Costs

How to avoid roaming costs. If you’ve read scare stories of massive mobile data roaming charges, where naïve users have racked up thousands of pounds on their mobile bills just by browsing the Internet or downloading a few files...