Illinois Senate Protect Personal Information Collected Online

With the federal government rolling back internet privacy regulations, Illinois is moving forward with legislation to protect personal information collected online. Illinois Senate approves Right to Know online privacy bill

The Illinois Senate on Thursday as quoted from Chicago Tribune  has approved the groundbreaking Right to Know Act, a measure that would require online companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon to disclose to consumers what data about them have been collected and shared with third parties.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Michael Hastings, DTinley Park, now heads to the Illinois House after passing on a 31-21 vote. It gives people the right to know what information (internet companies are) selling to a third party.

Illinois is taking center stage in the national debate over internet privacy legislation, which is shifting from the federal to state level. Congress voted in March to undo the Federal Communications Commission’s broadband privacy rules, which were adopted last fall under the Obama administration and set to go into effect this year.

President Donald Trump on April 3 signed the measure that repealed the broadband privacy rules.

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The FCC protections would have required internet service providers, such as Comcast, Verizon and AT&T, to disclose what personal information they collect and share and would have required consent from consumers before sharing more sensitive information. Privacy advocates believe Illinois and other states must step up to fill the void.

The Right to Know Act would require the operator of a commercial website or online service to make available “certain specified information” that has been disclosed to a third party and to provide an email address or toll-free telephone number for customers to request that information.

Similar proposals are under consideration in Alaska and Rhode Island, which, along with about a dozen other states, are also considering separate privacy legislation affecting internet service providers, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Major internet companies have been pushing back against the Illinois initiative, ramping up lobbying efforts as the privacy legislation advanced through the Senate, Hastings said. Online trade associations, including CompBarickman, TIA, the Internet Association and NetChoice, also met with Hastings to voice opposition to the measure.


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